A gift opens the way and ushers the giver
into the presence of the great.
Proverbs 18:16
All of Our Income is God's and He Asks Us to Return a 10% Tithe
God asks us to return a tithe. To do so recognizes Him as the Owner of all creation. This is not a financial transaction but an expression of faith and a matter of simple honesty. He designed it to be a blessing to us
and to others.
The tithe is foundational to His work and our participation makes it the greatest source of funding to advance God’s mission. The purpose of the tithe is for the spreading of the gospel. Most of it stays in your local conference, ”the storehouse,” to support pastors, education and evangelism. From there the tithe is used to advance God’s work throughout the world at the Union, Division and General Conference levels. Tithing is divinely ordained by God and faithfulness to this practice is designed to be a blessing to us.
What to give via your phone?
Download the AdventistGiving mobile app free
on iTunes or Google Play.
Ways to give if you are unable to come in person:
The fastest, easiest and cheapest way you can give your tithes and offerings is by using Adventist Giving by clicking here. Adventist Giving is secure and you can easily designate your tithes and indicate how your offering is to be used. You can give using a checking or savings account, or a credit card. Keep in mind when using a credit card there will be a small fee that RHI will have to pay.
If you have Internet banking with bill-paying options another good option is to send your contribution by making Reaching Hearts International SDA Church a payee. This is a safe and secure way to send your contribution when you give your tithe and offerings. Be sure to list on the memo line how this contribution is to be allocated.
Those who prefer to write a check, you may use the below scan of the tithe envelope to help designate offerings. Please write your designations on your check, or a separate piece of paper and be sure to print legibly, we want to ensure your offerings are used as you would like. A check can be sent in two different ways.
First, you may mail it to:
Reaching Hearts International SDA Church
6100 Brooklyn Bridge Road
Laurel, MD 20707
Second, you may drive by the church and put your check in the secure mailbox located in front of the church.
Anyone who would like a tithe envelope, may call (301) 725-5446 and request some be mailed to you.

We believe that it's important for a church family to work together, across the generations. This includes everyday discipleship such as inviting friends or family to church, listening and showing compassion, sharing our sermons on Facebook, ministering to our community together, and even forwarding event invitations. We all have talents and skills that can be used to spread the gospel. If you want to be involved and help out, there is a place for you. Click below to learn more about the opportunities at Reaching Hearts Church.