Michael the Archangel
WHO IS MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL? (1 PART): In Daniel chapter 10, Michael the archangel comes to help Gabriel deliver a message to Daniel the prophet. Previously, Gabriel tried to deliver this message, but he was withheld for twenty-one days by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (a power of darkness). It is only when Michael arrives that Gabriel can break through to reach Daniel. Michael is the one who stands firmly with Gabriel against the powers of darkness. Later in Daniel 12, Michael is identified as the great prince who stands guard over the people of Israel. He reemerges during end-time events when there will be a time of distress never before seen on the earth. Later in Jude 9, we see Michael again. Here he is disputing with the devil and arguing about the body of Moses. Why did angels battle over Moses’ body? Why does Satan want Moses’ body? What is the deeper meaning behind this conversation? What is so important about the body of Moses? Who is Michael the Archangel? This Bible study will answer these questions and more.