We believe that it's important for a church family to work together, across the generations. If you want to be involved, there is a place for you. We are a growing church, and we welcome new ministry ideas from individuals willing to serve and share their talents.
Angels in the GLen
Your comprehensive guide to Bible prophecy, preparing you for Christ's soon return. Our mission is to guide men and women around the world to a deeper understanding of end-time, prophetic truth so that they will be ready for the soon return of Jesus Christ. Know exactly what the Bible teaches about the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14, how to identify the mark of the beast using only scripture, and how Godʼs people will endure and persevere through end-time events.
Learn more at

Audio/Visual Ministry
The AV Ministry is responsible for the setup, operation, maintenance, and coordination of the church's audio, visual, and lighting equipment use to create meaningful worship experiences for the church. The ministry's mission is to glorify God by ensuring that every element of the church's worship is seen and heard clearly within our sanctuary and throughout the world. This group has a passion for communicating the love of God through today's technology.
If you would like to join this team, please contact No experience necessary, training provided.

Drama Ministry
The RHI drama ministry combines music, acting, and creative storytelling to bring the gospel to life for special community events.
Sign up to receive emails to learn about upcoming events. To participate in an upcoming production, contact Shirlyn Ninala at
Health Ministries Team
The RHI Health Ministry presents wellness nuggets and blood pressure checks on the 1st and 3rd Sabbaths of every month. The last Sunday of every month, the team hosts plant-based cooking classes at 3 pm in the kitchen/fellowship hall. Special health programs are planned throughout the year.
Subscribe to our email list for notifications about upcoming health events!
Homeless Ministry at Sarah's House Baltimore
Every 2nd Saturday of the month.
Youth and families join together to feed the homeless by preparing a hot meal to be delivered to the shelter in Baltimore.
To participate, please call/text Jeb at 301.222.7747 or email her at
Hospitality Team
We're always looking for more hands to help out at Potlucks and special events. If you would like to be actively involved with the Hospitality Ministry Team, please contact Lynda Toth at (301) 989-9802.
And of course, you are always welcome to contribute a dish or volunteer as a greeter for worship.
Night Sky RHI
Have you ever seen Saturn's rings? The Orion Nebula? When was the last time you saw the craters on the moon? God created so much beauty in space for us to enjoy, however many people have not seen much of it. It is the goal of this ministry to change that; to help others know a little more about God through His creation.
Learn more
Operation Christmas Child
Every holiday season, we invite you, your family, friends, and colleagues to participate in this wonderful ministry called the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child where we each pack a shoebox filled with items that children around the world can enjoy. Every filled shoe box will provide the greatest Joy of sharing the Good News of the Gospel and meeting the felt needs of children. Sign up to receive email notifications about the next opportunity to participate.
Prayer Circle
Do you have a prayer request? Please contact Kathy Oddono at (703) 821-1539. For emergencies or information concerning those hospitalized or deaths, please call Sylvia Dennis at (301) 441-9396 or Mervyn John at (301) 502-3373
"I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer." (Psalm 17:6)
Prayer Ministry
Come and pray EVERY Sabbath at 9:00 a.m. for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us and our church for "Revival and Reformation."
"Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. Those who are really seeking for communion with God will be seen in the prayer meeting, faithful to their duty and earnest and anxious to reap all the benefits they can gain. They will improve every opportunity of placing themselves where they can receive the rays of light from heaven." (EGW, Steps to Christ, Page 98)
Reaching Your Heart
Radio Ministry
Reaching Hearts Radio is dedicated to the world-wide proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. It is committed to preach and teach the Three Angels' Messages as found in Revelation 14: 6-12. This is God's final message to the world to prepare His people for the soon return of Jesus Christ and His eternal kingdom.
RHI Friday Night Vespers
Fridays between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Welcome the Sabbath together with songs, scriptures, food and fellowship. During the winter join us in the Church Fellowship Hall online via zoom or in person. Weather permitting, vespers takes place outside around the campfire. All are welcome to attend.
Reaching Hearts for Kids
Reaching Hearts for Kids (RHK), is a humanitarian outreach of Reaching Hearts International, Inc. and RHI church and ministry. We partner with like-minded organizations to reach children who are in need of meals, food, clothing, shelter, education and more. Learn more
Worship & Music Ministry
We are committed to having involved members of all ages. Opportunities include: welcome, prayer, scripture reading, praise team, special music, children's story, and more.
If you'd like to participate in the worship service, please email Irene at