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...Let anyone who is thirsty come to me
and drink. John 7:37

Panama Mission Trips

Each summer we return to the Comarca (basically the reservation for the indigenous people of Panama), to a school compound to continue our work with the local people. In the past we have built a kitchen (they were cooking over an open fire for 85 kids), put in large water catchment, improved the school (some kids walk 2-3 hours to attend, through the jungle), built picnic tables, and various other projects including the FREE medical/dental clinic that serves around 800 people in 3 days. There is much need in this area. There is no running water or electricity and most live in dirt floor huts.

This year we were able to build bunk beds in the new dorm (for those who have to walk so far every day), have our medical clinic again, paint the church and other buildings, as well as cleared land and planted a garden. 

Our mission trips typically involve 40 people. Applications are due each February. Check back for details later this year. 

Please contact us via email for more information, an application, and to hold your spot for the next trip.

Estimated Cost: $2000 per person 

GOD WILL PROVIDE, if you want to go and commit it to prayer.


We would love to have you join us!

Reaching Hearts International
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